The Use Of Antiviral Drugs To Counter The Virus

Drugs with antiviral purpose – a large group of diverse medicines for the treatment and prevention of viral diseases.

The Use Of Antiviral Drugs To Counter The Virus
The Use Of Antiviral Drugs To Counter The Virus

Viruses and bacteria carrying them constantly ply around the person. Such diseases as herpes, influenza, or HIV are all viral diseases. And despite the force of impact, high velocity of propagation, infectious diseases still do not have universal medicines. Moreover, the first drug in this segment was only in the second half of the twentieth century.

Before proceeding to the review of drugs to counter the virus, just highlight common elements in the treatment of viral diseases:

  1. Preparations based on interferon will help only in the initial stage is to take at the first symptoms;
  2. If the disease is accompanied by purulent nasal discharge, yellow-white coating on the tonsils, etc., and antiviral drugs ineffective. This is due to the work of bacteria, which can kill only antibiotics;
  3. In the treatment of viral diseases should also take care of the microflora of the digestive tract, home to immunocyte of the body;
  4. In the early stages of occurrence of viral diseases antibiotics can cause complication of the disease up to pneumonia.

Overview of medicines

For the treatment of viruses requires a comprehensive approach. Today, a large number of medications. Russian doctors can use a large range of drugs developed by domestic pharmaceutical industry.

Rimantadine – helps in the early stages (within hours of infection) of influenza virus type A: 0.1 g 3 R/d after meals (1 day), 0.1 g 2 p/d (2nd and 3rd day), 0.1 g 1 p/g (4th day).

Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) is shown in infection with influenza virus type A and B. take it should be 0.075 g 2 p/d for 5 days.

Interferon as a natural anti virus

Stimulate natural production of interferon leads to the lifting of immunity and the beginning of an independent body to fight the virus.

Arbidol – immunomodulatory low toxicity, good help when infected with influenza virus A and tool. His appoint 0.2 g 3 – 4 times/d before meals in 3 to 5 days. Not considered by who as a promising antiviral drug.

Amiksin – works for the destruction of an impressive list of viruses. For adults are shown a dosage of 0.125 g 1 R/d after meals for 2 days, on the following days (but not more than 6 days) – 0.125 g in a day.

Neovir – the drug that are effectively fighting the infection of paramyxovirus, herpesvirus, rhinovirus, RS virus. Recommended 1 injection into the muscle 2 ml of 12.5% solution up to 4 injections at intervals of 48 hours.

Cycloferon is a low molecular weight immunomodulator. Cope with the flu in its initial stages: in the 1st day take 4 tablets once, on the 2nd, 4th and 6th days – 2 tablets (0.15 g) 1 times a day before meals. In parallel, it is recommended to apply on the area of inflammation 5% of cycloferon liniment.

Interferon-alpha – immunostimulatory agent, successfully copes with viruses at an early stage and communicable infections of moderate severity. Buried in the nose to 5 drops over 5 R/G. Also solution medication can be used as inhalation 2, R/d (2-3 days) – this type of treatment again, only in the early stages.

Damp inhalations with sodium and bronchodilators to relieve bronchospasm and excretion of sputum. Inhalation spend 15 minutes 2 p/d for 4 days. In the case of acute rhinitis are shown: 2-5% solution ephedrine, 0,1% emulsion of sanorin, naphazoline of and of galazolin.

Disease gerpeticescoy group

The key to solve this problem – action to eliminate the causes of inflammation: the capture and destruction of the virus. Are using drugs:

  1. Acyclovir,
  2. Interferon,
  3. Interferonogene amiksina.

With herpes can help cope acyclovir 200 mg 5 R/d course for a week, or Amixin 0,125 g 1 p/g a day (10 tablets per course). If the rash single – handle amiksina and 5% cream zovirax.

In the dissemination of the pathogen throughout the body via the blood and lymph, as well as through contamination of mucous doctors suggest the introduction of acyclovir into the muscles 15-30 mg/kg 1 p/d (daily dose is introduced in 3 admission – 8 hours) course of 10 days, as well as interferon preparations.

In addition to the introduction of Immunostimulants can also be treated inflammation antiviral creams and ointments.

The fight against adenoviruses

Infection of the adenovirus family amaze mucous membranes of the body, especially the most sensitive parts of the body: eyes, nose, and urogenital system. The principle of treatment is the same as with other antiviral: the earlier you start to seek for the destruction of the pathogen, the less discomfort you will have to go through the patient.

Effective treatment in this case will be: 6 ml injection in the muscle of immunoglobulin in Vienna, a 5% solution of ascorbic acid and glucose, flow of the humidified oxygen through nasal catheters, a course of vitamins. Adenovirus infection is accompanied by severe abdominal pain. To remove them, as well as to strengthen the immune system, it is recommended in parallel with the medicines to take antiviral collection.

For eye infection they also dug immunoglobulin. Also shows a 2% solution of boric acid, 20-30% solution of sulfacetamide, and the eyelids lay of 0.25–0.5% ointment abrufen.

When laringotraheobronhit in the acute stage with stenosis of the larynx are appointed by injections into the muscle lytic mixture: 2.5% solution of chlorpromazine in combination with a 1% solution of diphenhydramine hydrochloride and 0.5% solution of novocaine. In parallel accepted prednisolone with minimum dose of 15-20 mg and gradually increasing. Note: hormone therapy should not be more than 5-7 days and be conducted under the strict supervision of a physician.

Severe exacerbation

Complications it is necessary to refer to the group of drugs based on Gama-globulin: it is injected into the muscle at 2-5 ml with an interval of 8-10 hours. Children: 0.15 to 0.2 ml per 1 kg of weight per day. The injection is injected before the onset of marked improvements the patient's condition.

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